Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Challengers for 2010

Patrick Ruffini has a post at The Next Right, scoping out potential suitors for Senator Dodd's seat in 2010. His guesses:

Connecticut - Chris Dodd (potential retirement)
  • Gov. Jodi Rell
  • Lt. Gov. Michael Fedele
  • Rep. Chris Shays - defeated for re-election and would clearly not be a perfect Republican vote, but still has the best track record of surviving in Connecticut
  • Former Rep. Rob Simmons

First, let me say at this point I'd be surprised if Dodd retired. If the next year goes very poorly for him, or he ends up facing criminal charges for his mortgages, I suppose it could happen. But I think that is less than likely.

As for potential challengers, I think Simmons is most likely of those listed. Rell will probably run for Governor again, and Shays' loss will still be too fresh. I'd add Kevin O'Connor, former US Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and David Cappiello, the five-term state senator who ran against Chris Murphy in CT-05 this year, to the list of possibles.

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